We prefer guests and experts whose topics are more 'life-style' and 'human interest' than political.
Recent guests have included a veterinarian, the head of a modeling agency, a profesional wrestler, a success coach, a former CIA agent, a well-known family psychologist, an Academy Awards 'expert,' the creator of a new board game that teaches people how to become succesful entrepreneurs, a prominent divorce lawyer, a website creator, a social media 'expert,' and the founder of an Orlando-based community arts association. We are always looking to talk with successful women re: business, the arts, family issues, etc. And we admit to enjoying a chat about sports and every facte of show-business.
Join us because you'll enjoy the pace and the patter.
| |
Name of Your Show * | The Paul Rodgers Show |
Show Description * | On any given day, ours is a show about whatever listeners and
guests decide they want to discuss. The host and guests start in a
direction, but inevitably the conversation always takes itself where
ever it wants to go. Guests should want to appear because the host,
while a teeny bit sarcastic, is always intelligent, witty, respectful,
and prepared. And it's in Orlando. |
Audience Demographics for Your Show * | We believe our audience skews adults 40+. |
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim * | The show is just sixty days old so we have no such numbers. |
Show Format - check all that apply * |
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s) * | We are heard Monday thru Friday from 3 to 5 PM - on the air in Orlando, and online at www.1520wbzw.com. |
Booking Contact for Interviews * | Paul Rodgers |
Email Address * | Email Paul at paul.rodgers913 @ gmail.com |
Show Web Site * | http://www.paulontheair.com www.1520wbzw.com. |
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach? | Orlando, FL |
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