What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Prophecy, paramormal, demons, End-time, Christain Morals, UFO's. I have been doing talk radio on this station for 7 years, satallite and live on the net, our programs are also archived and downlaoded for years after the first broadcast. We have a world wide gorup of followers of our programs.
Show Description
People who have written books mostly are interviewed, others have been on other TV and radio programs. We believe we are in the age before Messiah/Christ's return, pro Israel. We have a wide range of guests.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Satallite North America. World wide by the net.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
1000's , by judgeing our rating by talk stream, locations and downloads by our podcast site and viewer respsonse
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Satellite radio
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Messiah's Branch Prophecy Hour is Live on teh net and satallite Thursdays at 7-8 PM central, then rebroadcast on Satallite and the net by America Voice radio 4 more times duing the next week. Programs are podcast right after the first brodcast within a hour to 24 hours.
You can find all acrhives at http://www.prophecyhour.com and http://messiahsbranch.org/radio_archives.htm in which a list of all previous programs are listed
Booking Contact for Interviews
Pastor Dan Catlin
Email Pastor Dan at elcm @ messiahsbranch.org
Radio Show Web Site
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