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The Saturday Morning CEO Radio Show seeks Business Experts


- Successful Business Owner or CEO
- Expert Business Consultant
- Any Author, Celebrity, Athlete, Artist, Performer, Speaker or other goal achiever who could translate their success into that of a business owner or entrepreneur

Name of Your Show *
The Saturday Morning CEO Radio Show
Show Description *

The Radio Show is a non-profit, educational arm of The Saturday Morning CEO company. The mission is to present business growth and entrepreneurial tips and ideas in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. It is our desire to encourage business growth in our economy through education and understanding.

The format is LIVE, so we have fun knowing it is going out on the air, both radio and TV as we speak! There are two breaks for sponsors & PSAs plus an occasional short segment at the end of the show. We usually have an expert co-host on the show as well that will complement the topics being discussed by our guest. You can either appear in-studio or via streaming internet video.

While our audience includes the general public, our focus is on business owners and people who are thinking about starting a business.

"Most fun interview I've ever had!" ~ Prior Guests

Audience Demographics for Your Show *

While our show is available in audio or video format around the world on the internet, we do have some focused geographic area of listeners.

Riverside County, California is our largest viewing audience.  We continue to find new areas around the world that start picking up the satellite signal and broadcasting it.

Our target audience is business owners, CEOs and Entrepreneurs. However, we know that we also have a large number of the general public (who might be considering a business in the distant future) who also listen or watch the show.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim *
We estimate our listening and viewing audience to be 40-50,000 based on calculations using visitors to our website during and after the show on Saturdays, YouTube viewers and estimations given to us from our local cable providers who air our show.

The total number of cable TV network subscribers is around 650,000 which allows for continued growth of our shows.
Show Format*
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Satellite radio
  • Recorded podcast
  • Cable TV
  • Video webcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s) *
Currently we broadcast LIVE from 8am to 9am pacific time on AM 1620 in the Hemet/San Jacinto area of Southern California, Satellite Radio in Europe, parts of Africa and other select areas of the world, on Cable TV in Riverside County (and parts of San Bernardino County, California) on channel 45 of Verizon FIOS and channels 0 & 126 on Time Warner Cable. We also stream live on TuneIn Radio online and YouTube.
Booking Contact for Interviews *
Email or Call
Please email us but also leave a short "elevator speech" (3-4 minutes explaining why you should be on our show) for us on the voicemail at 260-267-6236.

You will be contacted back by either:
MJ Hernandez - The Saturday Morning Executive Assistant
Denis Nurmela - The Show Host
We get plenty of quest requests from business owners, authors and others who are just starting out. Please only apply if you have a real story of experience to share, a fully functioning website, products or services to offer our listeners. We prefer guests who already have a sizable list of fans/followers.
Email Address *Email MJ or Denis at guest @ smradio.org
Web Site URL where listeners can find your Show *http://saturdaymorningceo.com/radioshow.php
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach? 
Riverside County California & Europe primarily.



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