As a sci-fi author and dad, I'm very concerned about the next generation of men. I have some painful and funny experiences to share about dealing with the men who call themselves 'Men's Rights Advocates.' I'm available to share them with you.
Interview this Expert About: * | Men's Rights Advocates and Science Fiction |
Expert Name and Title: * | Daniel Haight |
3-4 Sample Radio Interview Questions for the Expert: * | 1. Why did a sci-fi author decide to talk about Men's Rights? 2. Why are Men's Rights such a controversial issue? 3. What should we say to young men who fit the 'Elliot Rodgers' profile? 4. How do your books advocate for guy's being 'better men?' |
Summary of Expert Credentials: | Author |
Expert's Website: | |
Booking Contact Email: * | |
Booking Contact Public Phone Number : | (510) 936-1185 |
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