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Want Successful Entrepreneur Expert Guests for the Entrepreneur Next Door Show


We are looking for successful and interesting entrepreneurs to interview on our show.

In exchange we will share website and podcast traffic with you.  We will also produce artwork for you to use on Facebook & Twitter to promote the show you appear in.

Applicant must have been an entrepreneur for a minimum of two years.  There is a very brief application process. It is easy too. Once you are approved we will send you all of the show information so you can prepare for your interview.  All interviews are conducted via Skype.

Show Name: *
The Entrepreneur Next Door Show [Podcast]
Show Description: *

We believe Entrepreneur Next Door is the NBT (Next Big Thing) In fact here is the BIG IDEA behind Entrepreneur Next Door in 65 words:

By creating an international podcast show, entrepreneurs from all over the world will be encouraged, entertained and enlightened by other successful entrepreneurs. The result:
**we exist to facilitate the sharing of great content to strengthen every entrepreneur,
**we exist to produce a better connection with fellow thought leader entrepreneurs – “a rising tide lifts all boats”,
**we exist to create more collaboration opportunities between entrepreneurs worldwide!

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Please go to our booking page at http://entrepreneurnextdoor.net/apply to apply to be a guest on our new show. You will receive further instructions on that page.
Email Address: *support@entrepreneurnextdoor.net
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
Entrepreneurs and Wantrepreneurs, both male and female.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
This show is just beginning. We are recording our very first show on June 2, 2014. To start, we will have 3 shows per week.

We have invested heavily in good studio recording equipment so that our shows will have a quality sound.
Show Format *
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
We record from Colorado Springs, CO via Skype. We have invested in top notch recording equipment to get the best quality audio.  International Podcast planned for iTunes, Stitcher Radio and 3 other podcast directories.
Website URL: *http://EntrepreneurNextDoor.net
Show URL: *http://EntrepreneurNextDoor.net/podcast
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *
FREE - in exchange for your time we will reward you with traffic from the show.

We will allow you to give our listeners a URL where they can find out more about your product or services.

We will also produce some artwork so you can promote the show you are on in your Twitter feed or Facebook page.



For more free Radio Guest Requests, subscribe to our free daily email list here.

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