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Stuart Vener Tells It Like It Is, Variety Talk Show looking for FUN Expert Guests


We are looking for a variety of guests that can talk about various topics of interest including Politics, Financial, Strange Practices, Funny Obsessions, Home/Family, Inventions, Authors, Religion and more...

You get the idea!  We are a variety show with lots of different topics and interest.


Show Name: *
Stuart Vener Tells It Like It Is
Show Description: *

Stuart Vener is the host of "Stuart Vener Tells It Like It Is". This show is a prerecorded talk show that covers a variety of topics while adding fun comedy and off the wall comments throughout to bring the serious news and topics to an entertainment level.

In addition Stuart video tapes his phone interviews and puts them on his TV show found on AMFM247 Roku and Starcom Radio Network.

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Jason Dowd
Email Address: *svradioproducer@gmail.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
Stuart's show is so eclectic with topics that it attracts various demographics. His audience runs from 18 to 90 years old, male and female both school to CEO's.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
58,000 plus on AMFM247 according to their stats and areas where AM/FM frequencies are in the area boasts a combined 1 million potential listeners.

Starcom Radio Network with over 400 stations boasts audience size of over 5 million potential listeners.
Show Format *
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
  • Video webcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
AMFM247 - 8:00 AM (EST) Wed-Tues Internet/Terrestrial

Starcom Radio Network - 12:00 (CST) Saturday on terrestrial radio stations (400 across the US).
The show is featured on AMFM247 one of the largest award winning internet radio stations that also simulcasts on various AM/FM frequencies throughout the US. That includes Las Vegas, Tampa, Milwaukee, Lancaster, Boulder and Macon. The AMFM247 show airs Wed through Tuesday the following week at 8:00 AM for multiple repeats of your interview. He's also on Starcom Radio Network every Saturday. There, the show is broadcast on over 400 stations nationwide.
Website URL: *http://stuartvener.com
Show URL: *http://stuartvener.com/archivedshows.html
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *
Do not charge
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Milwaukee, WI / Tampa, FL / Macon, GA / Boulder, CO / Lancaster, PA / Las Vegas, NV

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