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Truth on Tap seeks Experts on Politics, Media, and Paranormal that Insist upon TRUTH


We need guests (and I'm looking for a co-host which I'll describe later) who are fact-checkers by nature, who believe that most conspiracy theories are hurting us, and who understand and believe in (but are not ruled by) the scientific method.

The show normally focuses on such things as racism, sexism, religious intolerance, the paranormal, comedy that is loaded with truth, and just about anything else that knocks at the door of deeper understanding regarding human behavior.

For a co-host, I'd prefer a minority female since I'm a white male; I'd like to present as diverse a view as possible with just two people. However, the job is open to the first qualified person. The person MUST be very intelligent, witty, fast in speech, relatively, and demonstrate control over saying "uh, umm, you know" too often. He/she must understand sharing the mic and that being a co-host is not permission to have a forum to sell books/products. Must also be somebody who is not afraid to think outside the box.

Show Name: *
Truth on Tap
Show Description: *

If you would like to support a radio show that fact-checks everything, offering no quarter to religions, political parties, or any other group--one that focuses on ACCURACY in media, politics, and society in general, Truth on Tap is the show--it currently airs on Spreaker and has been picked up and promoted by iHeartRadio! We need to grow our studio, invest in better internet connections and hardware and spend some time and money advertising to bring people BACK into logic, reason, and critical thinking from the murky half-truths of many of today's news and radio shows. This show does NOT support any political angle; only ACCURACY in popular headlines and issues.

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Kevin A. Kierstead
Email Address: *wutzthedeal@yahoo.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
Worldwide audience, 25-65
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
Several hundred initially and then growing as people listen to the podcast: the show airs on BOTH Spreaker AND iHeartRadio. You can search for Truth on Tap and view the listens per episode.
Show Format *
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
Show is done live on Spreaker, with podcast available immediately after show ending on both Spreaker and iHeartRadio. Calls are taken both over the phone and with Skype for guests or co-hosts.
Website URL: *http://www.facebook.com/TruthOnTapShow
Show URL: *http://www.spreaker.com/user/truthontap
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *
We are currently using FundMe to try to grow the show and encourage donations, for which we will give commercial spots. The FundMe page is here: http://www.gofundme.com/cth3i0

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