Equine artists,craftsmen, jewelers,photographers, authors, inventors, equine vets, unique equestrian apparel makers, entrepreneurs, horse products, therapists, horse communicators, anyone with an innovative and creative approach to horses.
Show Name: * | Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show |
Show Description: * | Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show is an interview podcast that features the most unique and interesting people in the horse world. I talk with artists, authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, therapists, horse communicators, anyone with an innovative and creative approach to horses. If you are passionate about horses - this is the show for you! |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Paula Slater |
Email Address: * | slatermp @ sympatico.ca |
Audience Demographics for Your Show: * | 18- 80 |
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: * | brand new podcast - |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | Weekly - Wednesdays on iTunes, Stitcher |
Website URL: * | http://www.straightfromthehorsesmouthradioshow.com |
Show URL: * | https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/straight-from-horses-mouth/id932233497 |
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? * | no charge, no upsell - guests get exposure |
(Thanks to Podcasters' Paradise, at http://www.entrepreneuronfire.com/podcastersparadise/,
for this Guest Request referral.)