Independent gun control policy research ready to discuss the realities of gun control
Interview this Expert About: * | gun control, propaganda analysis |
Expert Name and Title: * | Guy Smith, Chief researcher at the Gun Facts Project |
3-4 Sample Radio Interview Questions for the Expert: * | 1) What do we know, from available research, about gun control and crime? 2) We are in a multi-decade decline in violence. How does gun control figure into this trend? 3) What are the most recurring canards concerning gun control? 4) With billionaire Michael Bloomberg funding a re-energized gun control movement, what is going to happen at national and state levels? |
Summary of Expert Credentials: | 15+ years independent researcher of gun control and crime. Author of the Gun Facts series of books. Expert at political propaganda analysis. Author of Shooting The Bull, a field guide to identifying propaganda in real-time. |
Expert's Website: | |
Booking Contact Email: * | guy @ |