What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Looking for sex therapists, psychologists, relationship experts that have experience working with women who have been sexual abused as a child and run a pattern of dating older men.
Rarely do we see these relationships succeed, and if so only if their childhood issues are resolved. We are going to run a series of interviews looking deep into the issue... which will cover men dating younger women, women looking for the father they never had, the successes and failures and why.
Name of Your Show
The Larry Love Show
Show Description
The show's focus is about waking people up to their full potential in relationships and providing insights and tools to have the most fulfilling and long lasting relationships possible.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
70% women ages 30-65, men 25-50. International audience.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Our total network (Law of Attraction Radio Network) reaches a half million listeners per month. Show post for replay through multiple internet broadcast venues. All shows replay and are available to download from iTunes.
Show Format
Online radio show
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Broadcast live ever Monday evening at 6PM pacific time.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Larry Michel or Lourdes Orlando
Email Larry or Lourdes at larry @ larryloveshow.com
Radio Show Web Site
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