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W4CY's Teen Wise Chat Radio Show seeks Teenagers, Parents, Educators, and Expert Guests


The "Teen Wise Chat" Radio Show is searching for:

Teenagers, parents, and educators as guests to join the chat who want to express their challenges relating to the weekly topic in an effort to brainstorm solution-based, problem solving techniques and suggestive answers. Victories relating to the subject matter will also be celebrated.

Expert guests in the field of teen issues and parent/child relationships are also welcome to join the chat. Your expertise on the weekly topic will provide added bonus as you offer your advice as an alternative with a focus of favorable outcomes for teens and parents.

If you are chosen as an expert guest, complete details will be forthcoming.

Show Name: *
"Teen Wise Chat"
Show Description: *

The "Teen Wise Chat" Radio Show will launch in March, 2015! "Teen Wise Chat" Radio Show will provide an opportunity to promote the Teen Wise book set and to address the current issues teens are facing. The show will target parents, teenagers, and educators with a purpose of strategically brainstorming solution-based, problem solving techniques that intertwine with the concepts and approaches illustrated in the Teen Wise book and Teen Wise Workbook respectively.

Weekly show will be topic driven with guests that include teenagers, parents, educators, and/or experts in the field of teen issues and parent/child relationships.

Expert guests will have the opportunity to promote their books and/or products to listeners. Teens, parents, and educators will have the opportunity to share their challenges and celebrate their victories.

Weekly Giveaways and Teen Wise Discounts will also be a regular segment of the show.

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Ms. Celeste M. Gonsalves Author/Host/Producer
Email Address: *


Teens, parents, and educators interested in sharing their stories may provide a brief description of their challenge or victory in an e-mail. Please include either Teen, Parent, or Educator AND either Challenge or Victory in the subject line. For example: Teen Challenge, Parent Victory, Educator Challenge, etc.

*Expert guests: Please review the main concepts and examples illustrated in the Teen Wise book set BEFORE inquiring to be an expert guest. The Teen Wise book set is available in electronic form for your quick reference and convenience at teenwisebook.com under the book order tab. If you are interested in contributing as an expert guest on the “Teen Wise Chat” Radio Show AFTER you have read through the materials, please include the following in your e-mail.
1.) Expert Guest Request in the subject line
2.) A brief description of the chapter and example in Teen Wise you want to discuss
3.) A description and/or explanation of your book, product, or service and how it relates to that specific chapter, example and/or topic issue
4.) Any special requests you would like to make

Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
High School Teens, Parents, Educators 13-60 years of age
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
New Show
Show Format: *
  • Internet radio show
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
W4CY Time Slot to be Determined
Website URL: *http://w4cy.com
Show URL: *http://w4cy.com
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *
$25.00 for Teen Wise eBook Set for Expert Guests. Promotional benefits for expert guests to express how their book, product, and/or service relates to the weekly topic and how it intertwines with the concept and approaches illustrated in Teen Wise.

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