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Stuart Vener Tells It Like It via AM/FM Stations + iHeart.com + Broadcast Television


We are looking for guests who can discuss the following:

Right and Left Wing Politics, Current events and news out of Hollywood, Authors, UFO Specialists, Family and Lifestyle Experts, Technology Techs, Organization or Charity and what you do for the community.  We are looking for various topics that will appeal to a wide range of listeners.

Show Name: *
Stuart Vener Tells It Like It Is
Show Description: *
Stuart Vener talks about a variety of topics to appeal to his wide range of listeners. We've been on the air for 2 years engaging in debates, conversations, and cracking jokes and making it light and entertaining for our listners. Guests like to be on our show because we are fun and lively. We are not a SHOCK JOCK show, but we like to crack jokes, make it fun and entertaining while getting your message to the world. We are nationally syndicated so our exposure is vast!
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Jason Dowd
Email Address: *svradioproducer@gmail.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
We have a wide variety of demographics. We have people ages 18 to 75, men and women, and a variety of races and religious backgrounds. Our listeners range from CEOs to Home Makers
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
AMFM247 stats show 100,000 monthly listeners with the Internet stream and over 2 million potential listeners in their AM/FM radio outlets

Star Com Radio Network - 4 million listeners according to their report
Show Format: *
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
  • Video webcast
  • Broadcast TV
  • Satellite radio show
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
1520 AM / 107.1 FM - Las Vegas 5:00 AM
810 AM / 87.9 FM - Macon, GA 8:00 AM
1640 AM / 102.1 FM - Lancaster, PA 8:00 AM
100.7 FM - Boulder, CO 6:00 AM
1640 AM / 102.1 FM - Tampa, FL 8:00 AM
104.3 FM - Milwaukee, WI 7:00 AM
http://amfm247.com 8:00 AM - depending on your timezone

Starcom Radio - Saturday at 12:00 PM (CST)
Website URL: *http://stuartvener.com
Show URL: *http://stuartvener.com/podcasts.html
If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *
No charge
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach? 
Las Vegas, Macon, Lancaster, Tampa, Milwaukee, Boulder


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