I am looking for authors and fun, interesting people who can share wisdom with parents that can help them raise kids who are respectful.
Show Name: * | We Choose Respect |
Show Description: * | The We Choose Respect podcast is a weekly podcast designed to share important and useful information that will help parents raise respectful kids. The show is the online podcast companion to my live school assembly program that is presented to over 80,000 kids each year at schools throughout the country. I conduct interviews at the convenience of my guests via skype and telephone |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Jed Doherty |
Email Address: * | jedlie@jedlie.com |
Audience Demographics for Your Show: * | parents |
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: * | This is a new podcast debuting July 1. I expect audience size to grow to be over 3000. This estimate is based on the size of the audience that sees my live show and on the size of audience I have grown for another podcast |
Show Format * |
Website URL: * | http://www.wechooserespect.com |
Show URL: * | http://www.wechooserespect.com |