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Savino Veritas May Be Joking But Never Kidding


"Veritas is Satire Spelled Backwards with a V for Victory" is show's motto, so guests who don't mind the host's humorous responses and interjections are sought.  The show is meant for "mature audiences."

Topics include but are not limited to societal trends, mysticism, politics, culture, arts, entertainment, and politics.

Show Name: *
Savino Veritas
Show Description: *

From Burbank, California, Savino Veritas: In "Whine" the Truth -- The Fine "Whine" of Select Gripes is heard LIVE Thursdays from 8 PM Pacific Time/11 PM Eastern Time and everywhere on the planet depending on the particular locale's time zone.
"The Fine 'Whine' of Select Gripes" is squeezed from the weekly chosen fruit of our communal "gripevine" and distilled with the satirical wit and wisdom of host Thomas Savino. Savino is humorist, writer, raconteur, experiential mystic, and parallel-parking expert who reins in his own angst and yours against hypocrisy with the milder sting of satire. Topics on mysticism/yoga/mediation while usually not Savino's satirical target are nonetheless treated with a sense of humor.

The Latin saying “in vino veritas” means “in wine the truth.” Listening to one drunk with wine delivers too much truth to handle, but getting a buzz drinking in authenticity can be intoxicatingly refreshing.

SAVINO VERITAS: A veritable smorgasbord of virtual reality hosted by Thom Savino. From the pages of Brooklyn Today, The Burbank Leader, The Glendale News Press, The Los Angeles Daily News, and the Los Angeles Times and through the public air waves of WHBI-FM, Princeton University’s WPRB-FM, WCBS Radio, SRN’s Cotolo Chronicles, and the 1970’s comedy show Dead Air Thom Savino’s words spoke the truth that set at least him free. The proverb reads, “Children and fools always speak the truth.” Savino Veritas in that same spirit of child-like foolishness aims to speak an irreverent version of the truth always. Be it wit, wisdom, or wisecracks through live and prerecorded interviews, commentary, poems, segments, songs, skits, bits, and metaphoric buggery Savino Veritas probes life’s drudgery. Social satire, politics, news, mysticism, the arts, pop culture and just plain interesting stuff grace this ninety-minute slot on Thursday nights from 11 PM to half-passed midnight Eastern Standard Time. Savino may be joking, but he’s never kidding. ‘Want the truth? You can handle it. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – so, help us -- be our guest!
From Lion's Den Studios in Burbank, California
Twitter: @tjsavino savinoveritas.blogspot.com

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Thomas Savino
Email Address: *tjsavino22@gmail.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
AGE: 20 - 60
GENDER: about 50/50 m/f;
Most listeners are in the United States of America. Canadian listeners make up the next largest proportion and (for mysterious reasons) listeners from Russia make you the next largest number.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
Based on SRN One website activity during the live broadcasts and JuicedTalk.com website data our audience is nearing ten thousand for any given episode. The show is also available live via TuneIn Radio smartphone app.
Twitter: @tjsavino
Show Format: *
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
SRNOne in Toronto, Ontario in Canada. ("real" radio and internet via SRN One's website at 148.ca/one).
www.JuicedTalk.com (archived podcasts)
Our audience is international with listeners all over the world. Availability of prospective guests for live broadcast is preferable (via Skype or phone) but many guests have graced us with their interesting discourse having been pre-recorded.
Website URL: *http://savinoveritas.blogspot.com
Show URL: *http://www.juicedtalk.com/?cat=1112
If you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? *
No charge for interviews however it helps Savino Veritas (and guest, of course) to co-promote our show on guests website, and social media.
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach? 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and region

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