What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
I am looking for experts with a unique point of view, energetic speakers, exciting to listen to and with a down-to-earth approach to their subject matter. Outreach Today is an internet radio show on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel that features top national guests that will help our listeners live their very best life.
Our hosts are seasoned, thought-provoking and great listeners. We give our guests 15-20 minutes to talk about their topic. At the end of the interview the guests is allowed to talk about their website, their company, their book. We also are all over social media and promote the show in various venues.
Name of Your Show
Outreach Today
Show Description
Outreach Today is a community-based online program designed to give you the best resources for you and your family. Recent topics have included Homelessness, Divorce, Sex & Relationships, Elder Abuse, Living to Your 100, Getting Healthy & Fit, Teens & Prescription Drug Abuse and Veterans.
We have lots of fun with our guests on this show and give them time to talk withOUT countless interruptions. You are the expert - we want to hear what you have to SAY and not listen to ourselves talk! Where else would you be able to talk about your field of expertise for 15-20 for free!
If you have spunk - bring it!
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Women and Men between ages of 25-65. Own computers.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Our radio program is in its infancy, we have only been on the air since August 2011.
As of April 2011, VoiceAmerica Network had over 3.3 million listeners monthly.
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Outreach Today broadcasts live every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific /11 AM Mountain/Noon Central/1 PM Eastern on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Eva Bowen, Executive Producer
Email Eva at evabowen29 @ yahoo.com
Radio Show Web Site
For more free Radio Guest Requests, subscribe to our free daily email list here.
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