The Mills Crenshaw Show is seeking:
Armageddon: by: Dick Morris, Near Death Experiences, Cops Exposing Corruption or defending the profession, Former Government workers exposing Corruption, Real encounters with: Aliens, departed relatives, Bigfoot (No Hoaxters PLEASE), FINANCIAL COLLAPSE EXPERTS.
Show Name: * | "Drivetime Live - The Mills Crenshaw Show," |
Show Description: * | Before RUSH, there was MILLS; Before LIMBAUGH, there was CRENSHAW. Hard hitting political Talk; and fascinating conversation, Since 1965! (That's why he has earned the title, "The Dean of Talk Radio!) To LISTEN Dial 701-801-0829; Then, to talk Dial 5 HEARD LIVE ON ANY PHONE- ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD 6:00pm - 9:00 pm EASTERN TIME ZONE |
Show Host Name(s): | Mills Crenshaw |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Mills Crenshaw 801-706-2256 |
Email Address: * | |
Audience Demographics for Your Show: * | Adults 18 to 89; Skews 50+; Affluant; conservative; college grads (They buy gold and silver from the host who represents Phoenix Mint Internationally) |
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: * | CUMULATIVE audience over 51 Years =in excess of 200,000 World wide in the new format: avg. 1/4 hr =2,500 (Computer tracking of on phone & on computer listeners) Affiliations totalling over 500,000 dues paying members |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | TALKRADIO1.US 3:00 pm - 6 pm PACIFIC 4:00 pm - 7 pm MOUNTAIN 5:00 pm - 8 pm CENTRAL 6:00 pm - 9 pm EASTERN |
Website URL: * | |
Show URL: * | |
If you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? * | We recommend (but do not require) that guests notify their loyal audience members tune in (keeping in mind the time differences...keeping in mind we ARE a National Show. (Actually we have received calls from China) |