What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Lifestyle, better living, better person, Family, Know it alls. I have a five finger formula...if the guest is able to..Educate, Entertain, Enpower, Engage, Enlighten with a topic. Audience is Family and target is Adults 50 years old.
We are a Lifestyle Talk Format. No yelling, slamming, or Negative junk...we are just trying to help listners of the Northwest hear the ideas and have thier own conclusions.
Name of Your Show
Sunrise Seatle with Elisa and Mark on 570 KVI Seattle
Show Description
We are a radio version of Good Morning America meets Evening Magazine, all about lifestyle and wide open for topics. We make it fun and easy to understand. We go after the reason, the why and the whats in it for us approach for our listeners. We dont yell, slam or cut off anyone. Its "Talk Radio For The Rest Of Us"
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Adults, with a bit of skew toward women. Demo 45 Plus and Baby boomers indeed!
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Seattle and Western Washington (Arbitron and PPM survey)
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Internet radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
6a-10a Sunrise Seattle -Lifestyle Talk-ABC affiliate
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Seattle Wa and Western Wa
Booking Contact for Interviews
Mark Christopher-Host- Sunrise Seattle
Email Mark at mark @ kvi.com
Radio Show Web Site
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