John Thibault believes that we are at a turning point in our politics where everyone needs to get involved, come together around issues, build coalitions, fund their initiatives, and intelligently pursue their policy agendas.
John is the Founder and CEO of iLobby and the Author of the new #1 international bestseller, How to Change a Law. He and his book offer insight, actionable tools, and political strategies that can help your listeners become active Citizen Legislators who realize that their participation in public policy matters. You will also learn how to use the iLobby Political Persuasion Platform to change laws through crowd-funded lobbying.
Most voters are frustrated and plagued by three key problems: • Apathy • Access • Affordability. John's book empower voters and shows how to focus on issues instead of candidates. It shows the three key things you need to succeed in the policy or political arena in order to get something done.
To succeed as an advocate for a cause you need 3 things in any campaign: • Message • Mass • Money. Most people and small businesses do not engage in public policy or lobbying because they think they do not have a voice.
In his book John gives concrete examples of political and legislative success. It even includes how a 10-year-old girl in Pennsylvania was able to change a law. The moral of the story? Don't be discouraged. If a 10-year-old can do it, so can you.
John serves on a local municipal Subcommittee, was the former Chair of two successful local property tax ballot measures, and acted as the strategic campaign advisor to five successful local candidates. He has been published in several magazines including Association News, Manufacturing Today, CEO for High Growth Ventures, and Millennial Magazine, and is the most viewed writer on the subject of lobbying on Quora.
7 Things Your Audience will Learn about Politics:
- The 3 essentials every policy campaign must have
- The 5 common mistakes you must avoid
- The 7 key steps to advocacy success
- The 16 policy myths we all face
- How to focus on issues, not just candidates.
- Understand how average people can make a difference
- Identify how to influence public policy and get the laws you really want.
After an interview with John, listeners, frustrated voters, and particularly small businesses will begin to understand how government policy works and how they can engage with their representatives using the iLobby platform. This is a do-it-yourself (DIY) policy manual for frustrated voters, small business owners, lobbyists, and policy advocates, who want to take political action, influence leaders and change laws. Think of this as an intelligent consumer's 7-step guide to improve your community, influence your country, and impact the world.
Interview John Thibault, Political Lobbying Expert and Best-selling Author, to discuss...
- Why policy matters (the difference between politics and policy)
- The First Amendment and why lobbyists could be your greatest ally
- When do citizens engage? (Hint: When they have something to lose)
- Why the top 1% win at this game and get what they want
- How average people can get into the political/policy game and really succeed
John Thibault Guest Expert Interview Credentials
- #1 International best-selling author
- Founder, CEO, iLobby
- First VP of Business Development and Marketing at eBay
- First VP of Marketing at Financial Engines
- Government affairs staff, MCA/Universal
- Numerous articles in trade magazines
- Most viewed writer on lobbying on Quora
Guest Expert Availability
By telephone from Menlo Park, CA (Pacific Time Zone)
In person in San Francisco, San Jose CA
Guest Expert Interview Booking Contact
John Thibault
(650) 490-0987
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