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iHeart Radio Dr. Doug Radio is seeking Business Experts


My ideal guest is that person who is involved in Marketing and Growth for small businesses who would love to share tips for the business owner.

Show Name: *
Dr. Doug Radio
Show Description: *
Dr. Doug Radio is a radio show that focuses on business tips for the small business owner. We are live on W4CY internet radio and also on iHeart. The show lasts from 30-45 minutes. The platform is very much a conversation that allows the guest to share their expertise. The guests are also able to promote their website and offers at the end of the show.
Show Host Name(s):
Dr. Doug Gulbrandsen
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Please contact Dr. Doug
You can also call 801-999-8441
Booking Email Address: *doug@mgstrategist.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
Typical listeners are small business owners, seeking ideas on how to grow their business.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
The live show has an organic listenership based on the radio station’s listenership of a 1.5+ million listeners and my show on iHeartRadio that has over 300 million listeners and stats show at least 2500 listeners.
Show Format: *
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
  • Satellite radio show
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
W4CY Radio, Weekly on Fridays at 12noon EST. Also then goes on to iHeart Radio.
Website URL: *http://DrDougRadio.com
Show URL: *http://www.iheart.com/show/209-Dr-Doug-Radio/
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? *
No charge for interviews

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