Greeting! My name is KC Armstrong and I am the owner and the voice of WMAP radio. It stands for Worlds Most Amazing People. We are on in over 16 countries and our servers reach 40 million listeners. We are not a podcast but one of the most listened to 24 hour internet radio station that feature inspiring and positive interviews and guests that are passionate and successful in their field or message. I was a staff member on the most successful radio show in history (Howard Stern) for almost ten years. Obviously I'm doing a different type of radio than Howard’s show… lol.. for more info on me and the popularity of my station please check out this article in Mark Cuban’s online magazine here https://t
I am writing to you for 2 reasons.. 1. If you would like a free 10 minute interview on my station go to on the upper right hand corner is “book online” go there and choose your time and date and follow the directions and you will be considered for an interview. Just include some basic info about yourself and what you would like to promote with all contact info and a producer will confirm your time with you… 2. Here is my other reason. I have agreed to do a series of interview based books about Amazing People such as yourself that have a book to promote or a message they want the world to hear, or a service or business they built or just have a life that is so interesting they need to tell their story in a chapter in my first anthology called “WMAP -simply amazing”. This first book has 8 chapters done and I’m a week past deadline because I’m looking for 2 more solid lead writers for the last two chapters. The publisher wants me to close it up but I don’t want to miss anyone that might make this highly anticipated first book even better. Good news is I can still get you in but bad news is I don’t have much time to do it so time is of the essence. |
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: * | our 2 platforms reach 40 million listeners our average Listener is listening for 48.2 minutes each session We are on 24/7 -not a podcast, a real internet station, a registered business on file with NY sec of state, reaching 16 countries and every state in USA |
So If you are interested text me (cause I might be on the air) right away so I can hear more about you and what you want to promote.. I'm sorry about the time issue but I need this book to be perfect because it’s a direct reflection of my station and my brand. This book will reach millions and to be in it will create incredible attention to whatever you choose to include. I just got the info that this book will be in your local libraries and if you are chosen to be included you will be on the book tour that brings your message with the other writers to go speak at different events and places. Keep in mind this is a fee based book because of the connections and contacts my name an d the publisher have. I have invested just like you so you can be 100 percent sure this book will be perfect and flawless. So if you want to be considered for the last 2 spots text me now because Ill make a decision by the end of today so my publisher will get off my back and I can wrap it up. Lastly, this is an interview based book so the process would be you interview live on air with me for an hour, then the interview gets sent to the publisher to be transcribed and edited. Then it gets sent to you to add anything you might have missed or to take anything out you don’t want. So to be considered text me now and if you are chosen you must book your 1 hour live interview (that will replay daily on my station to promote you, your message, and our book. So the cost of $3,950 includes 3 months of promotion on my station (that normally costs $3500 without any book) and all editing, press release, book tour, and everything listed below. So please text me to have a chance of filling these spots today. Here is some more information. Also If you are selected I will tell you the huge A list celebrity that is writing the foreword to the book!
This is the first book of a series called "Worlds Most Amazing People" (same as radio station) That is an anthology of 8-10 authors each writing a chapter about their lives. I already have most paid and registered but I have 2 spots left for this book. They tell me that with the content and the marketing from the publisher it has a chance to be a best seller. Most of this info is in the one sheet but Ill tell you why I invested in this project.
-The book will be in barnes and nobles across usa - each author gets their name and picture on the cover and page to promote their website or anything as far as contact goes -each author gets 200 hard cover books -each author gets their own book signing in the barnes and noble closest to them - the finished book is an amazing tool to use in future events in bringing credibility and record of authors popularity and accomplishments
lt is an interview based book. I interview you for over an hour on the radio, the publisher transcribes it and edits it into a chapter, then its sent to you to add or remove whatever you wish and then with your approval it goes to the printer. You own the copyright to your chapter
text or call me if your excited about this because as i said im at my deadline but need 2 more spots filled and they will go fast!
kc armstrong 714-552-5647 |