Dan Zurcher says Pavement Marking a.k.a. Parking Lot Striping is the best small business that anyone can start up.
A noted speaker, entrepreneur, and author of How I Stripe a Parking Lot, 24 Years By Myself, Dan will share everything he knows on this, the all-time best small business startup.
Dan has "Re-Striped", "Re-Striped Over Seal Coat", and performed thousands of "New Layouts" on parking lots, parking garages, schools, playgrounds, strip malls, streets, ring roads, worship centers, restaurants, banks, warehouse floors, regional airports, hotels and more.
His book has sold daily for (8) consecutive years into (11) countries.
If your listeners are interested in a great, small business that's easy to start, easy to learn, and easy to maintain... book Dan for a tell-all interview where all their questions are welcome.
Dan was 32 years old. He was living paycheck to paycheck. His wife was expecting their first child. Dan had a job...but wanted more. He bought a $4,000 striping machine and got his first striping job.
That job took 4 hours and paid $75.00. Four years later, Dan had quit his day job and was a full time striper. Then, Dan went back and "Re-Striped" that first lot. It took him 45 minutes and he charged $150. AND...the striping was much better...!
12 years after all that, Dan wrote his book: How I Stripe a Parking Lot, simply to help YOU. Dan was earning $160K and took winters off.
Just $5K to start and most of that is a one-time machine purchase. Buy stencils once. Buy paint only when you need it. It's also easy to maintain. Work part time, around your current job. No real "shop" is necessary. Dan worked from his garage for the first 12 years.
It's almost economy proof. All your clients are "commercial" clients. In a good economy...people pave, seal coat and stripe. In a slow economy...people only stripe. Dan has work.
First… Consider that there are untold thousands of your listeners who want a real chance to start their own side business that could easily turn full time. These individuals may not have the capital to buy a franchise or the risk tolerance to start their own restaurant. Moreover, it may be too hard to simply quit their day job and dive into a business venture as an entrepreneur. That was Dan.
Next…Interview Dan about starting a Pavement Marking business. Dan will talk tools, costs, pricing and profit. Your listeners can call in with questions. Then…maybe buy his book…but that’s it.
BookDanZurcher, Expert Speaker and Author of How I Stripe a Parking Lot, 24 Years By Myself, to discuss…
- Tools you'll need and how to use them. A) Tools he carries B) Slightly larger tools he uses C) Machines and paints
- Re-Striping / Stenciling techniques to stripe efficiently, pretty and quick. A) "Ticking Tails"; All the same length B) "Snapping / "Long Roping"; Lined up, parallel and straight C) "Base Lines"; Stenciling and curbs
- The Cost of it all. A) Tools Dan mentioned, machines and paint. B) How he bid the job C) Income Dan earned
- Ask him ANY question: How Dan Stripes ANY Parking lot, playground, parking garage, regional airport, indoor warehouse floor, truck dock, strip mall, ring road...anything.
DanZurcher Guest Expert Interview Credentials
- Dan has been striping parking lots, full time, for 24 years. He's striped everything...multiple times.
- He has striped alone and has "followed" paving crews, seal coat crews, and road crews to stripe all their work.
- Dan has written it all down in his book. His separate articles have been published several times.
- He's spoken at local and national seminars and has helped thousands of people start their own small business.
- Dan has a collection of emails from people thanking him and he finds those emails moving. He'd like to, at least, give you the idea of “How to Stripe a Parking Lot”.
Guest Expert Availability
By telephone from Columbus, Ohio, EDT
In person probably most of Ohio but, let's talk.
Guest Expert Interview Booking Contact
Dan Zurcher
(614) 237-8884
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