Business coaches, entrepreneurs and self development experts.
Show Name: * | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Productivity & Results |
Show Description: * | Delivering no nonsense, real and practical steps and strategies that’ll have you making money. Don’t have a business? Stay tuned and grab some ideas that’ll get you taking action and not just sitting around thinking about it. The Lance Tamashiro Show is only for you if you're a serious action-taker ready to make real money working your own business and getting real results. |
Show Host Name(s): | Lance Tamashiro |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Lance Tamashiro |
Booking Email Address: * | |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | 4,000 - 5,000 downloads per episode Audience: Small business (offline and online), startups, entrepreneurs |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | Video broadcast if guest has proper setup |
Website URL: * | |
Show URL: * | |
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? | cross promotion rate/review |