Radio B88's Nightcast show seeks:
Paranormal, Sasquatch (Bigfoot) experts, Ghost Hunters, UFO and Alien experts, Afterlife NDE's or anything of interest for our paranormal night time show. (Telephone or Skype interviews are OK).
Show Name: * | Nightcast |
Show Description: * | Bigfoot, UFO's, Aliens, Ghosts and more. Nightcast is hosted by Ian Morris. The show explores everything from Bigfoot, UFO's, Trolls, Ghosts, NDE's and more. |
Show Host Name(s): | Ian Morris |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | |
Booking Email Address: * | |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | 16-65 years old. Local and World wide. |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | Radio B88 is a 3N Network station |
Website URL: * | |
Show URL: * | |
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? | No Charge |