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Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast is calling Service Business Professionals


Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast is calling Service Business Transformers and Marketers,seeking Movers and Shakers.

We are Looking for: Service business (plumbers, HVAC techs, roofers, contractors, etc.) owners (or companies that work with service businesses - motivational speakers,marketers,authors, etc.) with great personal/business development stories to help educate, mentor, and encourage our listeners.

We are also looking for service companies and other business owners that have that have created reoccurring income from their customer base.

Show Name: *
Contractors Secret Weapon
Show Description: *

We are a marketing resource to contractors in the building, painting, pressure washing, roofing, plumbing…heck almost any trade that you can mention.

Our goal for this podcast is to help contractors stay on top of all the different marketing topics that are available, sorting out what is working (or not) in the industry today.

At the end of the day, we will consider it a win if our listeners achieve enough success to stop thinking of their contracting business in commodity based terms and can switch over to a value based business, cherry picking only the best clients who respect you and your experience in your trade..

Show Host Name(s):
Dave Negri
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Dave Negri
Booking Email Address: *info@contractorssecretweapon.com
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
Llisbyn stats 33000 downloads
Our Audience is comprised of contractors in the building, painting, pressure washing, roofing, plumbing…heck almost any trade that you can mention.
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
our podcast goes out every Thursday morning and posted to lisbyn,itunes,sticher, and social media
Website URL: *http://contractorssecretweapon.com/us/
Show URL: *http://contractorssecretweapon.com/category/podcast/
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back?
We only ask that the guests help promote their own episode and always appreciate it when they stay involved with our social community after their episode has aired.

We always post the show to our social media and it goes on a rotation to be put out to social media in the future.

We always send our guest a link to the pod cast page , a link for the embed player and the mp3 file for their own use.

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