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RANCHCAST with Lem Lewis wants to Celebrate Ranchers


Land owners of large farms and ranches or agriculture production

In the United States and Canada with a preference toward working families with a strong family history in agriculture.
Show Name: *
RANCHCAST with Lem Lewis
Show Description: *

The mission of RANCHCAST is straightforward: Celebrate ranchers, highlight their accomplishments, and provide them a peer-to-peer forum for bolstering their business savvy. Whether our listeners live on a ranch, invest in rural real estate, or are simply fans of the ranch lifestyle, this new program is designed to be their guide to insights and practical advice available nowhere else. RANCHCAST interviews are conducted by phone (or in person) and typically take about 25-30 minutes. The format is conversational, as if we were sitting together, sharing a beer or iced tea. Often, Dean will join in the conversation, if he is available.

Show Host Name(s):
Lem Lewis and Dean Rotbart
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Lem Lewis
Booking Email Address: *lem@theranchbroker.com
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
Show is new so demographics are not established yet. I am pleased that RANCHCAST is being produced in association with Monday Morning Radio, which along with its affiliated podcasts are heard by about 100,000 small business owners and entrepreneurs a month. The weekly podcast is hosted and produced by Dean Rotbart, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated financial journalist, and small business evangelist. Dean is also a co-executive producer of RANCHCAST.
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
Podcast. Currently producing a show per month and soon to be moving to weekly.
Website URL: *http://www.theranchbroker.com/ranchcast
Show URL: *http://www.theranchbroker.com/ranchcast
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back?
We do not ask for anything in return. Our interest is to promote the guest and highlight them and there agriculture business.


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