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Sports Mastery seeks Sports Coaches


Sports Motivation Coaches, Sport Coaches, Mental Toughness Coaches.

Show Name: *
Sports Mastery
Show Description: *
This is a place where we observe, examine, experiment, and explain the physical, mental, and social dynamics of the world's best athletes and coaches. We examine their strengths, weaknesses, character, and personality traits; to explain what works and what doesn't according to our situation and circumstance in space and time.
Show Host Name(s):
DeShawn Fontleroy
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
DeShawn Fontleroy
Booking Email Address: *deshawnfontleroy@gmail.com
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
The typical listeners are youth, high school, and college coaches along with parents who have athletes
ages 13 to 24.
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
My show releases on iTunes every Monday at 3am EST. It's a podcast. It's pre-recorded in Portland, OR.
Website URL: *http://www.sportsmastery.com
Show URL: *https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sports-mastery/id1160906252?mt=2

(Thanks to Podcasters Paradise, at http://podcastersparadise.com/,

for this Guest Request referral.)

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