We seek guests who are spiritual practitioners and paranormal experiencers.
If you have experienced an NDE, alien contact, telepathy, telekinesis, angelic contact, animal communication or work as a paranormal researcher, healer or intuitive practitioner we would like to speak with you.
Show Name: * | Cosmic Passport |
Show Description: * | Cosmic Passport airs weekend nights on spacedoutradio.com at 9 pm Pacific/12 am Eastern. The mission is to provide quality information and training for the paranormal and spiritual experiencer community. The host, Elizabeth Anglin, has been an alien abduction research subject, is bigfoot experiencer and communicator and a spiritualist medium, animal communicator and energy worker. Cosmic Passport receives about 2000 live listeners and 25,000 archive listeners within the week it airs. |
Show Host Name(s): | Elizabeth Anglin |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Elizabeth Anglin |
Booking Email Address: * | info@elizabethanglin.com |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | 2000 live listeners/25,000 total listeners in week show airs |
Show Format - check all that apply * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | Cosmic Passport can be heard atspacedoutradio.com, Renegade Talk Radio in Las Vegas, UPRN 107.7 in New Orleans, on Wolf Spirit Radio, Forest Moon Paranormal, The High Plains Radio Network and soon on WQEE Rock in the greater Atlanta Area. It is currently available in combined online and terrestrial radio formats. Archived shows can be found on youtube at "Spaced Out Radio Show." |
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach? | New Orleans, Atlanta |
Website URL: * | https://www.facebook.com/elizabethonSOR/ |
Show URL: * | http://www.spacedoutradio.com |