CEO's, business owners, founders, experienced entrepreneurs.
MUST have a large social media following.
Show Name: * | The Growth Mindset |
Show Description: * | The road to success in business ownership is rough. The Growth Mindset was designed to help business owners and beginner entrepreneurs on their journey. By appearing on The Growth Mindset, you'll have the opportunity to teach and give advice to those who are venturing down the same path as you once were. Share your story! |
Show Host Name(s): | Paul Potratz |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Nicole |
Booking Email Address: * | |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | Entrepreneurs, marketing managers, freelancers |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | The Growth Mindset airs every Wednesday through Facebook Live & Skype. We promote through e-blasts, social media, our website, iTunes, IHeartMedia, Google Play, and Stitcher. |
Website URL: * | |
Show URL: * | |
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? | Co-promotion required |