Farai Radio is a public media all guest are invited.
We have programs like show some love, zion train and morning Drive. I would love to have a guest on any of this show because we teach the world about life and love to one another to unite as one.
Show Name: * | Zion Train |
Show Description: * | zion train is about rastafarai we teach and learn from the world about GOD and who they think a rasta man is and also who can we called a christian. |
Show Host Name(s): | odeshye farai |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | 0081-7042916963 |
Booking Email Address: * | farairadio@yahoo.com |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | we have about 2000 audience across the world |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | farai radio more fyah 7pm japan time every saturday and finished 10 pm and replay from sunday to thursday |
Website URL: * | http://www.farairadio.com |
Show URL: * | http://tunein.com/radio/Farai-Radio-s284168/?utm_source=tiEmbed&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=s284168 |
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? | we do not charge for anything but is the guests willing to support or sponsor we will be glad or willing to make business with the station guests are always welcome |