Looking to interview experts who can share their business acumen with small business owners.
Whether it has to do with marketing, operations, leadership development, communication, etc, you would be a great guest.
Show Name: * | Dr. Doug Radio |
Show Description: * | We discuss current trends and tips for the small business owner. The interviews are between 30-45 minutes long and are pre-recorded via Skype to insure best audio quality. The Skype video is used to have a better conversation, but video is not recorded. We are broadcast on W4CY Internet Radio on Wednesdays at noon Eastern Time and then are placed on iHeart Radio (Dr. Doug Radio) within 72 hours. You are then able to get the iFrame to use for any promotion that you would care to do. |
Show Host Name(s): | Dr. Doug |
Booking Contact for Interviews: * | Doug Gulbrandsen |
Booking Email Address: * | doug@mgstrategist.com |
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: * | Target audience is small business owners. Up to 300 million listeners from W4CY Radio and iHeartRadio. |
Show Format: * |
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: * | W4CY.com internet radio + iHeart Radio (Dr. Doug Radio) Live broadcast noon Eastern Time on W4CY. Recorded interview on iHeart as podcast. Pre-recorded via Skype. |
Website URL: * | http:// |
Show URL: * | http://Drdougradio.com |