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Politihoot needs Political Experts


Looking for a variety of guests that have something to say about today's politics.

Particularly, what's happening in Trump World -- this could be someone from a high ranking politician all the way to one of his former maids. Also wish to talk with psychologists, psychics, comedians -- people who have a different POV on the political scene.
Show Name: *
Show Description: *

Politihoot is a half hour political comedy podcast broadcast on Blog Talk Radio. Think of it as news/discussion, but -- most importantly -- it's comedy. The show opens with a funny, musical parody, some funny skits, and then issues are discussed with the guests, who participate in the call-in. Some of the guests that regularly call-in include Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders and a host of others (OK, maybe not the folks you're thinking of, but they sure sound a lot like them!). We encourage guests from the other side, too -- we never get mean, just get ready to have us poke fun at you. Listen to the two pre-election pilot episodes at: https://soundcloud.com/jacqueline-guzda/

Show Host Name(s):
Jackie Guzda
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Jackie Guzda
Booking Email Address: *jackguzda@aol.com
Audience Size and Demographics for Your Show: *
Progressive-leaning political types -- we're in our infancy, but working hard on taking the steps to grow our audience.
Show Format: *
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
Blog Talk Radio, airs Friday evenings, 8PM(pending) EST
Website URL: *http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politihoot/2016/10/31/politihoot--political-talk-comedy-for-the-2016-election
Show URL: *http://www.blogtalkradio.com/politihoot/2016/10/31/politihoot--political-talk-comedy-for-the-2016-election
We do not encourage this but if you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back?
You say your piece, have fun and we'll talk, talk, talk you up and push what you're selling

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