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Intervew Award-Winning Screenwriter & Author Maryann Ridini Spencer about her new Novel "Lady in the Window"


Contact Lady in the Window Author Maryann Ridini Spencer for interviews.

Expert Name and Title: *
Award-Winning Screenwriter & Author Maryann Ridini Spencer
Interview this Expert About: *
Her new novel, Lady in the Window,& how she drew from personal experiences (going through similar experiences we all face at one time or another — the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, finding one's place & witness to angelic magic).
3-4 Sample Radio Interview Questions for the Expert: *

1. One of the main themes in Lady in the Window (in stores May 9, and available now for pre-order at Barnes & Noble and Amazon) is the concept that our loved ones live on even after death. Do you believe in life after death? Do you feel our loved ones surround us and guide us after they have passed from this physical world? Share your thoughts and experiences and how you drew from personal experiences.
2. Lady in the Window's main character Kate Grace experiences a variety of synchronistic events and mystical happenings that indicate to her that her deceased mother Catherine is communicating to her from the afterlife. How do you interpret some of these happenings or synchronistic events?
3. The Hawaiian culture revolves around ohana (family) — whether they be blood relatives, adopted or intentional — and the natural world, and the care, protection, and support of both. In Lady in the Window, Olivia shares some of these ideas and concepts with Kate. Discuss these Hawaiian beliefs and what we can all learn from them.
4. Aloha is more than a greeting hello or goodbye. Talk about the many meanings of aloha as described in the book, and perhaps in some of your experiences.
5. In addition to screenplay (Maryann is co-producer/writer of Hallmark Hall of Fame's award-winning movie "The Lost Valentine" starring Betty White & Jennifer Love Hewitt) and novel writing, you are a journalist and television host ("Simply Delicious Living"/PBS-TV, Roku). Describe how you blend all these careers.

Summary of Expert Credentials:
Award-winning TV/Film Screenwriter, Producer, Lifestyle Journalist & TV Host
Expert's Website:https://MaryannRidiniSpencer.com
Booking Contact Email: *recprinfo@gmail.com
Booking Contact Public Phone Number:(818) 884-0104   


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