What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
comedians, up and coming actors/actresses/producers/bands/rap artists anyone who has good life storys, funny not depressing preferably
Name of Your Show
Friday Night Live - RockdefRadio
Show Description
humorous show, we spin some rock/rap do interviews, prank calls, etc...we'd like to have some good guests tho and do professional interviews. Tell your friends, bring them to our chat or call in while your on also. Need some advertising, we can help, our audience is worldwide.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
18-55 Audience
Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
10-20 shoutcast servers, we have only done 3 shows, but i previously had a similiar ad under an old employer, so this is not a new adventure or anything.
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
7-10pm comedy/serious shoutcast/audiorealm/internet Networks/mobile. Site is easily found in lots of locations.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Email Ed at edshohw @ rockdefradio.com
Radio Show Web Site
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