What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
We are looking for men and women in business who have done something unique or have a success story to tell. We like to host guests who have something to teach and fresh, new perspectives to offer.
Name of Your Show
Red Tent Radio
Show Description
Red Tent Radio is the Global Small Business Podcast Show with Marketing Tips, Small Business Help, Business Coaching Advice and Interviews with Leading Business Experts!
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Global men and women running or preparing to launch small to medium sized businesses. They are mostly in the 30-50 year old range.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Guesstimate 8,000+ per week
- Up to 4,000 streams and downloads per week via our website [Audio Acrobat Statistics]
- Up to 2,000 listeners of live radio every week [Jackalope 105 FM in Kansas City, Missouri]
- We are consistently in the "What's Hot" list of small business podcast shows in iTunes.
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Every Friday at 6pm Central time in the United States / Guest interviews and business coaching advice segments / Jackalope 105 FM, Kansas City Missouri.
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Kansas City, Misoouri
Booking Contact for Interviews
Ludwina Dautovic
(Australia) 1300 799 491
(International) +61 3 9939 4258
Email Ludwina at ask @ TheRedTentWoman.com.au
Radio Show Web Site
For more free Radio Guest Requests, subscribe to our free daily email list here.
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