What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
The Nannies of NannyCast, a podcast aimed directly at professional nannies, are looking for a CPA to interview on the show. We know, as nannies that there are all sorts of different tax codes based on whether or not we are considered to be employees and want to make sure that we have put accurate information out to our listeners.
Our interviewee gets to plug him/herself and will likely pick up business from the listeners who would like help in doing their taxes.
Name of Your Show
Show Description
Welcome to NannyCast: a podcast for nannies by nannies. New episodes (half-hour to hour in length) weekly. Our interviewee gets to plug him/herself and will likely pick up business from the listeners who would like help in doing their taxes.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Typical audience members are professional nannies across the United States, though we also have parents listen as well. The largest demographic concentration of nanny listeners is in the "triangle" area of North Carolina, as that is the local home of the hosts.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Audience numbers vary between 15 and 30 listeners per new episode (as measured in the week that an episode drops), however, old episodes have as many as 70 downloads/listens.
Show Format
Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
The podcast drops every week on Friday. It can be heard on the website, is available via RSS through any podcatching program, is present in the iTunes Podcast store, and through the Stitcher Smart Radio App on any smart phone at all.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Jennifer Levenbook (aka Nanny Jenni)
Email Jennifer at theinfamousj+nannycast @ gmail.com (please make sure the + sign is in the email address when you click the email link so it doesn't get sent to spam)
Radio Show Web Site
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