What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
We're looking for tremendous individuals with a story to tell... Victory? Failure? Adversity? Easy street? Everyone has a tale to tell and why not tell it to our 5,000 monthly downloads?
We'll discuss whatever it is your hawkin' and have some laughs all along the way. In studio or by phone.
Name of Your Show
Garden State Radio
Show Description
News, Politics, Sports, Energy - all with a New Jersey flavor... Unique show format features 4 different generations of hosts, 3 males and 1 female... We play games, talk deep talk, and host interesting guests. We have a great following in NJ which is a great place to pub what you're working on.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
25-45 males and females who own iPads and iPods. We are on itunes and get most of our downloads there.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
5,000 monthly downloads - iTunes download logs.
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
6:00 - 7:00 every Tuesday night (LIVE) on http://www.MTRradio.com and then replayed Wed. morning at 1:00 am , Thursday morning at 2:00 am , Saturday at 4:00 pm
Booking Contact for Interviews
James Flippin
Email James at flippinoutradio @ gmail.com
Radio Show Web Site
(Thanks to Connecticut School of Broadcasting for this Guest Request referral.)
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