What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
We are looking for all types of interview opportunities. We have had the pleasure of interviewing such guests as Michael Lohan, Wrestler Diamond Dallas Page, Wrestling Legend George "the animal" Steele, authors, writers, producers etc.
We are an all purpose radio show. We ask the tough questions, yet we make the interviews fun as possible. We make every interview feel like they are home. We are THE MAN CAVE RADIO SHOW AND WE ARE WHERE ITS AT!
Name of Your Show
The Man Cave Radio Show
Show Description
We are a hard hitting, funny, likeable bunch of guys who discuss everything from news, sports, cooking, beer, relationships, wine, radio, television, books etc. We make every guest feel like they are at home because on our show, our home is your home.
You want to be on our show because no guest is too small for the Man Cave Radio Show! We want our listeners to enjoy the show, so bring your "A" game and bring your humor, because at THE MAN CAVE we are WHAT FUNNY IS!
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Our Demographic Men and Women between 18-55
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
We have between 500-1000 listeners when we are live. Replay 250+ extra hits a week. We have a tracking company that send us numbers every month!
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
We are an internet radio show that broadcasts LIVE EVERY SUNDAY on http://www.UStream.tv from 8am eastern to 10:30 eastern. Our show is heard all around the world. We promote our all our guests that are on our show atleast 1 week in advance on all forms of social media. Replays of our show can be heard on http://WWW.THEMANCAVERADIOSHOW.PODBEAN.COM and on http://www.brainstumedia.com
Booking Contact for Interviews
Big J.P
Email Big J.P. at themancaveradioshow @ aol.com
Radio Show Web Site
For more free Radio Guest Requests, subscribe to our free daily email list here.
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