We are an internet based radio show called Not Picture Perfect.
We don't have a target audience per say as we have a wide variety of listeners that tune in each week. Our show is broadcast on http://www.AKAradio.com. I love to interview guests that bring something unique and different, we don't want your typical interview.
What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
For this request we are looking for guests/experts in the area of St. Patrick's Day. Looking to talk on various particular aspects of the St. Patrick's Day holiday. Whether it be on unique celebrations to traditional dishesh.. whatever it may be.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
We have a wide variety of listeners. Our listeners tune into the show because they know that they can expect something a little different, they understand that they will get interviews that they haven't heard before, on topics they may not hear anywhere else.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
I can honestly say that I do not know exactly how many listeners we receive on a weekly basis.
Show Format
Online radio show
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
The show airs every Monday at 8 p.m eastern/5 p.m. pacific on http://www.AKAradio.com. So we would be classified as an internet radio station. Our show website is http://www.NPPRadio.com
Booking Contact for Interviews
William Johnson
Email William at notpictureperfect @ gmail.com
Radio Show Web Site
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