What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
We are looking for people who actively participate in politics, animal rights, human issues, satire, social issues.
Name of Your Show
It Matters Live Talk Radio
Show Description
Do you have an interesting story to tell? It Matters radio broadcast believes in sharing experiences that enhance the lives of our listeners. While we are extremely supportive of authors, our show is open to anyone who wishes to share their own experience or knowledge with the audience.
Email Monica at radmmb @ fidnet.com for guidelines and documentation required to be a guest on the show.
OUR MISSION - Our (radio) show started from the desire to promote our fellow writers and ultimately literacy. We believe that education, personal experience and literacy matter. They shape a society and determine the rate of progress. They shape our level of humanity Communication encourages people to read and think. It opens the mind to other possibilities.
In time our show grew and encompassed more than just writers reaching out to artists from the entertainment industry as we focused on important topics and causes such as human rights, animal rights, and homelessness. Reading and feeling comfortable around books is just the beginning. We welcome and value everyone who has a meaningful story, life experience, or knowledge of a specific subject matter to share with others.
LOGO - Embracing Humanity through The Arts, Reading, & Open Communication
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Variety of listeners - as our show touches on a specific topic each week. Ages range from young adults to the elderly.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Differs for each show but average is 20-60 live listeners with hundreds listening to each shows pod cast. Embed podcast provided to each guest after live show has concluded. Source of audience numbers is tallied daily
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Thursday, 9PM EDT, 8PM CDT, 6PM PD Blogtalkradio Live internet talk show. Heard throughout the world via pod cast, live is normally US, Canada. Pod casts on ITunes - along with several other Pod Cast sites.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Monica M. Brinkman Host, Columnist, Author
Email Monica at radmmb @ fidnet.com
Radio Show Web Site
For more free Radio Guest Requests, subscribe to our free daily email list here.
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