What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
I am looking for people who used to be living on the streets to skype interview on my show and share their experiences and the lessons that they learned during homelessness. Extra points if you "got out" of homelessness in an inspirational way.
Name of Your Show
The Voices Among Us: Homeless Interviews
Show Description
We are a weekly podcast that is all about homeless interviews. I hit the streets every week and collect interviews with people who are currently living without a house. Some of the stories are sad, some are inspirational and some are downright crazy.
I also enjoy having service providers and formerly homeless people on the show. This is your chance to shatter the misconceptions and generate dialogue about homelessness. Share your story. Let your voice be heard.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Our demographic covers a broad range. The age range of our listener base spans young adult to elderly and the majority of our listeners are from the United States.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Over 1000 downloads per month and growing according to host analytics.
Show Format
Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
This is a weekly podcast, which is recorded any time during the week and released on the weekends. The show can be downloaded from iTunes, Blackberry and Zune as well as streamed through Stitcher Radio or on our blog.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Please contact Robert Duff (host/producer)
Email Robert at tvapodcast @ gmail.com
Radio Show Web Site
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