What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Athletes, coaches, trainers, agents, lawyers, experts, fellow media
Name of Your Show
The Sports Fix
Show Description
We air Saturday nights, 10pm-Midnight EST on Newstalk 1420 WHK in Cleveland OH, stream LIVE on http://www.whkradio.com as well as http://www.tunein.com, and on the WHK Mobile App... I am also the news anchor for WHK, and sound bites will be used daily during the WHK news broadcasts each 30 mins, depending on topicality.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
18-64, sports fans, Cleveland heavy
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
69,000... Thats the WHK median audience, we have no other way of tracking such numbers... Our streams do a few thousand listeners each weeks as well, and our Facebook pages combined have nearly 5500 followers
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
"Real" Radio, Newstalk 1420 WHK in Cleveland OH... Saturday nights 10pn-Midnight EST
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Cleveland, OH
Booking Contact for Interviews
Jerry Mires
216 253 7898
Email Jerry at jmires @ salemcleveland.com
Radio Show Web Site
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