Tristan Patterson is a popular young conservative who attracts a wide array of listeners through his popularity in politics and social networking.
What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Tristan gives a fair shake to everyone, and will have fun on the air and enjoy civil debate with anyone, over anything... so come on in front of 70,000+ and discuss:
- Politics
- God
- sports
- your book
- his book
- ANYTHING of interest!
Audience Demographics for Your Show
18-40 is the typical age for our show, conservative with high school education, and listeners all across the country listening online and on podcasts.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
The station covers over 70,000+ - through polls, and independent research our show ranked the most listened to local show in the area.
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Currently: 4pm Friday, on REAL radio/internet/podcast, WTXY 1540 am. Show is heard in Columbus county, Whiteville, NC - USA and portions of sourrounding area. Show is scheduled to become daily show.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Joey Marcus: for the Patterson Show
call me at (910) 317 - 0TVP
Click to email Joey at tvp2020 @
Radio Show Web Site
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