What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Successful and Risk taking professionals in biz.
- Economic Experts
- Banking Personnel
- Accountants
- Life Planners
- Professional Educators
- Community Leaders
Show Description
James Hatton & Rylan Towns (Hosts of Mo Money) We discuss buisness, dreams, and life. We tell our stories of success and chances we are currently taking and help to educate community and the world about finances and living as an example to get out and make a difference in the world.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
16-40 Unisex
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
30,000-50,000 listeners
http://www.910theduck.com WMRB
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Online radio show
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
http://www.910theduck.com live on the web Radio 910 AM WMRB ESPN RADIO, OFFICIAL ALABAMA FOOTBALL NETWORK, and TENNESSE TITANS NETWORK
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Booking Contact for Interviews
Rylan Towns II
Click to email Rylan at townsfoundation @ gmail.com
Radio Show Web Site
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