What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Entrepreneurs who have been successful in spite of the challenges they have faced and who want to share the lessons learned with other entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. Any industry, any stage of growth. The key is what lessons can you pass along to others about financing your business, marketing your business, overcoming obstacles, growing your business, having the correct mindset to succeed, etc.
Name of Your Show
Hero Entrepreneurs™ with Dino Herbert
Show Description
History has shown that those who are in the trenches are the ones who win battles. And in the battle against unseen economic forces, it is the entrepreneur who is in the trenches waging war against fear, uncertainty and mediocrity.
Every battle has heroes. Entrepreneurs are every day heroes. These are their stories. Tune in to listen as Dino Herbert interviews the unsung heroes of economic recovery and success! These entrepreneurs come from every walk of life, they are young and old. Some have college degrees; others only have high school diplomas. All are successful. All are passionate about what they do. All can be considered "Hero Entrepreneurs™".
Audience Demographics for Your Show
M - F 25-54
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
3000-5000 each wk per BTR, iTunes and TalktainmentRadio figures
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Live broadcasts on Thursdays at 5pm Eastern. Recorded interviews occasionally on other days. Recordings available afterwards on TalktainmentRadio, BlogTalkRadio and iTunes.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Madelyn Johnson
Email Madelyn at guests@heroentrepreneurs.com
Radio Show Web Site
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