What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Outspoken, Over-the-Top, and Opinionated radio show seeks Experts on Dating, Relationships, and Marriage. Authors, Life Coaches, Bloggers, Relationship Experts, Divorce attorneys, Marriage counselors. Great way to advertise your services to a niche audience who may have an interest in your services.
Name of Your Show
KNOCKturnal Radio
Show Description
KNOCKturnal Radio is verbal fisticuffs at it's best concerning issues related to singlehood, dating, marriage, divorce, and sex. We are the mouthpiece for the men and women who are sick and tired of the games, the unnecessary BS, and dishonesty that is often associated with relationships who are ready for Outspoken, Over-the-Top, & and Opinionated debate between the sexes. We are the Rosetta Stone for understanding the opposite sex.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Upwardly progressive adults, 25 yrs +, who are interested in increasing their dating I.Q. for better and more effective application in dating, relationships and marriage.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
We have a large following nationwide. We do not know the exact numbers however we have callers who dial into the show who are from various parts of the U.S. Plus our shows are archived so listeners have the opportunity to go back and listen to the show after we are offline.
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
We are Blog Talk Radio. Our show airs every Monday Night @ 9pm EST on WXRP radio.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Troy V. - Lead host of KNOCKturnal Radio and Co-founder of RING|SIDE, LLC.
Email Troy at weareringside @ gmail.com
Radio Show Web Site
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