What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Musicians, Bands, Composers, Vocalist and Performing Artists with clean music. Please no profanity or negative content. ‘Step Outside the Box’ and live your dream.
We are dedicated to honoring the people who are following their dreams and changing their lives. Inspiration and empowerment is the goal for every episode of JOURNEY TO GOLD. May we all know the true meaning of personal happiness on our individual journey.
Name of Your Show
Journey to Gold
Show Description
JOURNEY TO GOLD Talk Radio is dedicated to those musical artists who are following their dreams and changing their lives. Through sharing their stories of passion, struggle, and celebrating the joy and success of living the dream, we hope to impart the same spirit of hope and courage to you.
May we all know the true meaning of personal happiness on our individual JOURNEY TO GOLD. Live your dream. Feed Your Spirit!
Audience Demographics for Your Show
- 42% listeners are female – 58% male
- 57% female listeners are between ages 25 – 49
- 43% male listeners are between ages 25 – 55
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
VoiceAmerica – World’s largest producer of internet talk radio programming (As of April 2012 – Over 4 million unique listeners/downloads monthly)
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Share your personal story of following your dream and submit your music to be heard by millions of potential fans every week throughout this 13-week series, starting October 26, 2012. Contest entries will be accepted beginning October 1, 2012.
Celebrities like Lady Gaga will stop in to share their stories of challenge and success. Online listeners and select judges from the music industry will vote on all contest submissions. The winning Challenger will be announced at the end of the 13-week series.
If you’re looking for a way to get your music out there, enter the “Dream Quest Challenge” and find yourself one step closer to your goal, your dream. Enter the Dream Quest Challenge today.
Booking Contact for Interviews
CJ Johnson
Email CJ at cjohnson @ journeytogold.com
Radio Show Web Site
(Thanks to http://www.proflowradio.com,
for this Guest Request referral.)
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