All things Successful related to New York Times Best Selling Authors, Celebrities, Pro Athletes, the Real Estate,Business and Non Profit Indusrties.
A wide range of topics and guests from all components of each indusrty. A new guest will be featured each week.
Some of the experts we will talk to will be from the Real Estate, Banking, Business, Publishing and Non-Profit fields. From time to time just to make the show fun I will talk to some of my former Tennessee Vol Football teammates just to keep the show light. I hope you enjoy!!!
What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
New York Times Best Selling Authors, TV Personalities, CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, Recording Artists, Popular Actors and Actresess, Professional Athletes and Coaches. These are the types of guests that have been on my show for the past two years.
Because of the format, the guests enjoy being on and they always ask for a return visit. The show is all about promoting the guests.
Audience Details and Size
The show is heard All over the world. We have listeners in all 50 states and in 12 different countries. Listenership is up to 3,000 per week.
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
Monday-Friday at 12 PM EST Internet Radio/Podcast Shows can be heard on iTunes, Zune, iPods, laptops, desktops and any other electronic device. We air on Blogtalk Radio, the largest internet radio platform that will allow the shows to be archived for life.
Booking Contact for Interviews
Chris Treece, Show Host
Email Chris at thechristreeceshow @ gmail.com
615-219-9098 Office
615-336-4978 Cell
Radio Show Web Site
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