REWIRING YOUR BRAIN gives Change Agents the forum to clearly and thoroughly express their ideas and beliefs.
These are people who have rewired their brains to solve serious problems or successfully challenged the status quo and are now helping others rewire their brains. They are an eclectic mix from every field and discipline, but each is unique.
I listen to and interact with each in a conversational dialogue as a life unfolds and you are inspired and motivated to use each life to improve your own in a wide variety of applications. I build trust by my understanding of and empathy with my guests.
Details of the Sponsorship/Ad/Promotion You are Offering
I do not take callers so the audience and I can focus on the guest, but I will, whenever it is most appropriate, include your information into each show.
The “live reads” will always be read by me, but can be written by your people or by me. If you have specific product reviews I can read them. If you have products to give away or you want to develop contests that promote your product, I am open to discuss these.
I am also open to have certain time slots allocated to talk about your product if it lends itself to that. It may be a self-improvement time slot that gives brief examples of how a specific person used your product and how s/he has benefitted from it. I won’t do this unless I believe the product actually can do it. I will research it myself.
I will work with you even if you only want an ad placed once. I pioneered individualization in schools and I can do the same with my sponsors.
Price of Sponsorship or Ads
$60 for any combination of three minutes of ads such as;
- three one minute
- two ninety second ones
- one three minute ad.
Or, $100 for six minutes in any agreed upon combination.
Audience Details and Size
- On Blogtalk – 6,000 month
- WebTalk – 8,000 month
- CalState U. at San Bernardino 11,000 month
Show Format
- Online radio show
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Network(s)
Blogtalk (15 – 20 live broadcasts monthly)
WebTalk (every Monday) (every Monday and Wednesday, projected for four a week beginning in June) (highest rated University station –Time magazine)
Show Web Site
Email Dr. Rose at
Looking for Sponsors for your Podcast or Radio Show?
Advertise with here.