What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?
Would like guests that can speak to politics and resource development. Also conservative experts and tea party activists. Would also enjoy meeting with entertainers and singers/actors.
Name of Your Show
The Glen Biegel Radio Show
Show Description
Talk Radio show with consistantly conservative host Glen Biegel. Weekday afternoons from 4 to 6 on AM 700 KBYR.
Audience Demographics for Your Show
Would like to reach all audiences.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim
Very small but growing.
Show Format
- Broadcast radio show
- Internet radio
- Recorded podcast
Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)
monday through friday...4 to 6 afternoons.
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Anchorage Alaska and Vicinity
Booking Contact for Interviews
Michael Ortega
Email Michael at michael.ortega @ ohanamediagroup.com
Radio Show Web Site
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