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Twisted Fate Show seeks Good Paranormal Story from Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?


Show Description

Twisted Fate is how the paranormal affects your everyday life and how everyday life affects the paranormal. Its a chance to connect with the listerners on a personal level. Plus a very good opening to tell us about your going projects. Plus we enjoy a good laugh as well.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

18 and older split 50/50 men and women mosty in the 25 to 40 range

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

700 - in house server numbers

Show Format

Online radio show

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Thursday Night 10 eastern, one hour, 2 hosts
Fate Radio http://www.fateradio.com

Booking Contact for Interviews

Jim Malliard
Email Jim at jim @ malliard.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Computers 2K Now seeks Expert Computer or Technology Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Any computer related technology companies or individuals.  Internet & Technology Related. Our show is technical in nature.

The show started back in 1993, and we never missed a beat. The show airs on Sunday's 9am - Noon

Name of Your Show

Computers 2K now

Show Description

Every Sunday we bring you "Computers 2K Now". A call-in show hosted by Amnon Nissan of Deltaforce, with Spencer Shoemaker co-hosting in the studio, and Mike Phillips, Parham Shaw, and Mark Ishman via Skype/IM/phone.

The gang take calls on all computer, networking, technology and Internet related topics. Airing since 1993 this program is the first and still the only one of its kind in the Triangle. The show can only be watched or Listened to on the Internet by clicking "Watch Live".

Audience Demographics for Your Show

If you use computers, smartphones and the like, you would want to watch the show.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

While we were on the radio, we were the number two show in the area, and I was told 4,000 listeners. Now that we are internet only, the numbers are lower, but climbing. Anywhere from 40 to 150 watch live, thousands listen later on. Stats from U-stream and other streaming providers.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast
  • Video webcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Weekly. Guests in the studio and thru phone or Skype video.

Booking Contact for Interviews

Amnon Nissan, Host
Email Amnon at guests@computers2know.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Micheal Savoie's Hit Blogging Show Looking for Bloggers and Social Media Experts


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

We are looking for people who have a product, book or audio that they are wanting to get the word out. We have over 1100 people per month who listen to our podcasts, plus with your help, we also get a live audience to ask questions and start discussions. If you use blogs, social media and Internet Marketing to increase your visibility, our audience wants to hear from you!

Show Description

Blogging With Micheal is a one hour talk show where we cover all of the current and controversial topics in the social media, blogging and Internet Marketing world. Our audience loves to hear about successes and how they can take advantage of your tips and tricks to help them succeed online as well.

We discuss different products and services that can help them increase their visibility, conversion and profits. All guests tell their audience about their appearance on Blogging With Micheal to help increase listenership for everyone.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

The listeners of Blogging With Micheal are beginners to intermediate Internet Marketers, who are learning how to use blogs and social media to increase their visibility online. Most of these listeners already have a business, or are planning to start one.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

We average 1100 downloads per month of our show, based on the stats on BlogTalkRadio and iTunes.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

We air Tuesdays at 11AM Eastern Time on BlogTalkRadio. Guests call in and we do a Q & A discussion type of show. Once completed, the recordings are available on iTunes and on BlogTalkRadio

Booking Contact for Interviews

Micheal Savoie
Email Micheal at admin @ traf-x.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Paranormal Radio Skeptic Erik Shaltis Looking to Interview Experts in the Paranormal World


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Crypto-Zoologist's... Ghost Hunters.. Psychic's... Tarot Card Readers... Conspiracy Theorists.. UFO Experts... Authors

Show Description

I am a Skeptic looking to figure out my place in the Paranormal World... I like the scientific aspect that some people bring to the conversation...

Audience Demographics for Your Show

18-45 year old women and men

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

50-100 people in chat room and many more listening on I-Phone and Droid Phones...

Show Format

Online radio show

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Tuesday 8-10 PM EST

Booking Contact for Interviews

Erik Shaltis
Producer and Host
Email Erik at erikshaltis @ sbcglobal.net

Radio Show Web Site



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Eloheem, Hip Hop n RNB Morning Talk Show looking for Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

hip hop n rnb entertainers, singers, and rappers, commedians, and authors as well as black community activist

Show Description

real talk mixed with hip hop n rnb !!! i talk about black community issues, youth issues, black family issues and bringing the gap between black and white !!!my show is well known listeners call in to ask questions !!!my show is is for those who like to tell it like it is !!!!!!!!!!! and enjoy their morning coffee !!!!!!!!!!

Audience Demographics for Your Show

i have listeners of all race's from different parts of the world !!!!!!!!!anyone can enjoy my show

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

i have 20,000 listeners and growing !!!blogtalk radio stats

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

broadcasting live mon- fri 10am-noon est on blogtalk radio.  internet radio heard all across america and the uk

Booking Contact for Interviews

Click to email Eloheem at eloheemseven @ gmail.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Call for Sponsors: The Radio Ear Network, Global Reach - Local Impact


Show Description

The Radio Ear Network is a 360 information delivery global community media providing shows and podcasts for the purpose of providing information of positive value and direction. That can be found in the music we listen to, the beauty of an artist, the words of writer, the understanding of world religions or the spoken expressions of a person.

Each of our shows feature a variety from the global community of successful entrepreneurs, NY Time best selling authors and not so famous ones, musicians, and specialists in many endeavors who are visionaries. Actively they provide useable information, education, uncensored world issues and/or concerns, and culturally with various types of performances by residents of the global community.

Our large and growing audience accesses using the Internet and mobile devices including motor vehicles both nationally and internationally. If you have a product or service that can be used by listeners, a sponsorship in Radio Ear Network provides your business or organization with the opportunity to market to the residents of the global as well as your local community engaged in the challenges of today.

Details of the Sponsorship/Ad/Promotion You are Offering

  • Full sponsorships provide broadcasting of your commercial, mention of your sponsorship of the show up to 3 times during broadcasts of show.
  • As an official show sponsor you will be included as the official sponsor of the show in all press, events, ads the show may provide to media or promotional items for the duration of your sponsorship.
  • Free Press Releases are offered to full sponsors which allows them to have their information sent out on monthly bases to our listeners and other media areas.
  • As a Sponsor you could possibly be interviewed about your company, book, yourself, or other items of interests on more than one network show.
  • Both full and partial sponsors are also provided with continued rotation of their 1 minute commercial in the Radio Ear Network broadcast schedule for the duration of their sponsorship. On average a commercial will rotate 50 plus times in a month allowing access to listeners/customers around the clock and around the world. 
  • Impact Audio promotions on shows are designed to allow a company to participate on the Radio Ear Network via a 1 minute commercial at a reasonable rate. These impact Audio promotions are place in 24/7 random rotation on the network global listener schedule. This allows a large coverage for your commercial. On average the Impact Audio will rotate 30 plus times in a month. You may supply your 1 minute commercial ready to go or provide your script for our staff to create it professionally for you. Our staff can also create an attention getting script for an additional charge. If we create it you may use the track where you need to even after your Sponsorship or Impact Audio schedule ends.
  • Premium Shows Sponsorships are available for our prime time substantial listener audience shows. Please contact us for a list of these shows and their media agent.

Price of Sponsorship or Ads

  • Full sponsorships start at $150.00 per month
  • Partial sponsorships of shows start at $25.00 a month
  • Impact Audio commercials $50.00 per month.

All sponsorships and Impact Audio require a minimum of 3 months engagement. This is to ensure your ad will begin to generate ROI to you.

Radio Ear will also consider barter with other networks and radio shows.

Audience Details and Size

Radio Ear Network broadcasts into over 140 counties with a reach of a potential 6.8 million listening audience 24 hours 7 days a week.

  • Business Shows - Women: 52% listener audience.
  • Self Development Shows - Women 75% listener audience.
  • Culture Information Shows - Women: 58% listener audience.
  • Indie Music Shows - 50% Split between Women and Men.
  • Household Income average $85,000 and up
  • Age Group Reach Age 35 to 67

Show Format

  • Broadcast radio show
  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Network(s)

Radio Ear Network broadcasts 24/7 on its own network and at various times on other networks around the globe

Show Web Site



Joseph Dobzynski Sr.
Email Joseph at producer @ radioearnetwork.com


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Two Unsynchronized Souls seeking Experts for Health Reform Discussion


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

We are seeking two guests for our show with extensive knowledge of the health laws governing our states and legislature. We wish to have two points of view. One, pro insurance reform, one against. If you have knowlege in this subject matter, please contact us.

Our show, Two Unsynchronized Souls centers on the tough issues and even tougher questions. We want both sides to be heard so people may make an educated decision. Be you lawyer, politician, health care representative, author or educator, we want your knowlege and opinion

Show Description

Our show is hosted by two female authors, Monica Brinkman and Oana. Our writings have meaning and purpose and our show must reflect subject matter to assist people in gaining knowledge or providing assistance to them in one form or the other.

T.U.S. has recently changed format as we bring in the controversial issues and ask the tough questions. We are seeking guests for August shows at the present time. Let your opinion matter and your voice be heard.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Varied according to topic of show. If we are discussing promo/marketing of books, then it is authors and writers. If the show is about current affairs, politics, womens rights, then we get listeners from every walk of life.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

WE receive a variety of live audience callers, according to the topic. Our listeners range from over 900 to as few as 20. The great thing about this show is you receive a link to the interview and it can be shared for months and years to come. Source is our sites statistics.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Once to three times per week. 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 6PM Mountain, 5PM PST. This show is on blogtalkradio where live callers may call and ask questions or those who do not wish to call, may visit the chat room to listen and comment.

The guest will always have two very interested hosts at their side. We are heard throughout the world.

Booking Contact for Interviews

Monica M. Brinkman
Click to email Monica at radmmb @ fidnet.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Icon News, Dish Network TV Show, looking for Interesting Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Actors, Authors, experts, radio personalities. We stock expert interviews and pull the footage according to relevant current events. Great opportunities for repeat coverage on national tv venue.

Name of Your Show

Icon News

Show Description

We interview Celebrities, rising stars, authors, experts about overcoming obstacles, in a positive informative and entertaining way. The celebrity is center stage, and other guests fill segmented slots.

Interviews are skyped in to our studio from anywhere in the world

Audience Demographics for Your Show


Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

24 million households on Dish Network, archived to You Tube, and future cable airing.

Show Format

  • Cable TV
  • Broadcast TV

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Dish Network 9:00 pm EST / 6:00 pm PST this fall. Future Cable deal in works

If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?

National - General Dish Subscriber Package

Booking Contact for Interviews

Atomic Lawn Entertainment
LA - 818-669-5181
NY - 917-215-5024
Click to email Atomic Lawn at lewismash @ yahoo.com

TV - Radio Show Web Site




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Jay Earley Media 4 Success, A Top Personal Development Show seeks Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

I am looking for Authors, athletes, Motivational Speakers and Business owners who were ordinary people that had a Dream or Vision, took action and achieved it.

Name of Your Show

Jay Earley Media 4 Success

Show Description

This is a personal development show. i believe that we all have the power in us to make our Dreams Come true. My show is about show casing people who have done this to be able to show my listeners that anyone with a dream can do it.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Ages 18 to 55. Business owners, authors, musicians, poets, Preachers,educators,etc. I have a really mixed crowd of listeners

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

250 to 350

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)


Booking Contact for Interviews

Jay Earley
Email Jay at info @ jayearleymedia4success.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Hollis Chapman Show seeks Expert Guests on How Authors Can Get More Exposure


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

We are looking for authors who need more online exposure for their books.Do you need sponsorships for for your event,book tour,film and video project.We put your information out to 100 websites.We get you a lot of traffic from the browsers.

Show Description

we are a content heavy talk show,let the listeners leave the show with more helpful information.Our listeners will contact you when you give them some helpful tips.Our listeners love to call in for a chance to win a free book or free tips.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

  • 62% of our female listeners are between the age 25-49
  • 57% of our male listeners are between the ages 25-55
  • 50% of respondents have listened for over a year
  • 32% have been listening for 5 months or less
  • 68% say they tuned in 2 times a month

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

100 per week

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

internet talk show carried on blogtalkradio

Booking Contact for Interviews

Hollis Chapman
Skype hollischapman
Email Hollis at eastvalleysports @ hotmail.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Season 2 of Radio for the Spirit seeks Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Psychics, Mediums, Children Communicators, Animal Communicators, Authors of book with SPIRITUAL content, "open-minded religious experts", Scientists/Astronomers, Astrologers, Mythical Animal speakers/authors. Our show is a spiritual/psychic awareness type show and each week, the host and producers have a different topic to speak about. Based on demand, sometimes we may re-visit topics, depending on the popularity.

Show Description

We are about to finish season 1 of Radio For The Spirit and have had some massive response to the show and the guests that we have booked. The next season commences in July 2011 and we are seeking suitable guests to participate with our audience.

We are seeking guests usually with a tangible product to speak about and of course, to offer to our listeners as an incentive for their participation in the show. We find that this greatly increases the hits you receive, and is beneficial for us both.

Please send an EPK when making your initial request. We have found that this assists in streamlining the process. Your press kit should also include around 10 potential interview questions you would like our host to concentrate on. If you have a book, DVD or product, we also recommend you mail this to the host as soon as possible.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

We target a wide audience, however, our statistics have shown that women aged 19-45 are our main demo. Men aged 21-40 have also rated highly.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

Season 1, we had more than 10,000 listeners of the show. We broadcasted via BlogTalkRadio and in Season 2, JSFM will launch, which is our "homegrown" talk radio station online with iPhone, Blackberry and Android presences and live stat updates.

Our shows are starting to be podcast and available for download on demand through iTunes. Radio For The Spirit also offers a guided meditation series which has proven popular. 

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

FM & CD Quality Broadcasting up to 64kbps Every Saturday night at 9pm CST on the BlogTalkRadio network and in season 2 on JSFM Radio For The Spirit

Booking Contact for Interviews

Email Skye at skye @ radioforthespirit.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Things Bad Happen, A Hit Comedy Podcast, Wants to Laugh With You!


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

We're looking for people who want to have fun and a few laughs with us. Specifically, we are looking for experts in any adult category, or anyone who can shed light on topics from our youth (read: 70's/80's/90's). Our most loved segments deal with those issues; sex and cartoons.

Name of Your Show

Things Bad Happen

Show Description

Things Bad Happen is a podcast where three guys go all out on ridiculous issues. Everything from discussing breast reductions to debating appetizers vs. entrees to ranking cartoon cities can be heard on the show.

Our listeners are just like us, hungry for geeky knowledge and hungry for laughs. Experts, authors, columnists, fat men, and sexy women are all invited!

Are you promoting a book or a website that the average 18-35 tech nerd would love? Interested in reaching the "Will Ferrell" type crowd? We'll slide over on the couch at Doc's place and make room for you.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Our audience is typically college-aged or just out of school, and generally male. They are tech-savy, and usually early adopters. 85% of our listeners have listened to the entire half-hour episode, and research shows they typically listen in their car. It's not the type of show you blast in your cubicle without headphones.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

The show has ranked in and out of the Top 100 Comedy Podcasts on iTunes, and is steadily growing weekly.

Show Format

  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

One 30-minute episode is released every Monday, and is promoted on twitter and facebook all week long. It can be found at http://www.thingsbadhappen.com and on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/things-bad-happen/id414603197

Booking Contact for Interviews

Email Doc at thingsbadhappen @ gmail.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Books of the Month will Spot Light Your Book!


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

authors of books, christian books and self help books, businesses, building a business, raising families etc

Name of Your Show

Books Of The Month

Show Description

Spot light author's books to help increase sales volume for authors as well as help persons looking for info on those books. I also spotlight a children's books and send books to home free of charge.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

globally televised on christian network

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

this is a new show, the network has over 30 million global viewers.

Show Format

Video webcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

show is shot depending on number of author interviews.

Booking Contact for Interviews

Tabitha Key
Click to email Tabitha at booksofthemont @ gmail.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Residual Haunting Revived - Paranormal, Horror, Anything GEEK seeks Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

we are looking for guest who are in the Paranormal, past horror film stars, and anyone who deals with gaming, or geek

Show Description

Residaul haunting Revived is a live radio show that airs via the internet. It has been on the air for almost 4 years, we deal with Paranormal, Horror and Scfi Movies, and Geek like Gaming, comics, books. We have a large following all over the world.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

We air out of Salt Lake city Utah, but are heard all of the world. With a large following in China and the the Midwest

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

We upload our live shows to Podomatic with around 1500 listeners a month

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

We air Monday night from 10 PM EST or 7 PM PST and the show is three hours long

Booking Contact for Interviews

Tom Carr, host and producer
Email Tom at tomcarr @ wasatchparanormal.com

Radio Show Web Site



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From Maui with Aloha seeks Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Do you have an inspiring story to tell? Have you walked through the fear, changed your life and followed your dreams? Share your Story.

Experts: Authors, Transformational community speakers, Intuitive Healers, motivational speakers, Therapists and Philosophers.

Name of Your Show

From Maui with Aloha

Show Description

"Step outside the box and change your life. " This program is dedicated to the people who are following their dreams and changing their lives.

“From Maui with Aloha”, is committed to inspire and empower others who are facing the fears and challenges of changing their lives or starting over. Through sharing the struggles and success secrets of our guests, our passion is that our listeners might hear their own story through someone else’s experience and find the courage and tools to pursue their own journey and discover or rediscover their passion and their dreams.

May we all know the true meaning of personal happiness and fulfillment on our individual journey to gold. Dreams really can come true.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Potentially Millions on the global network - 30 to 65 years old - In general, anyone who is rebuilding their life due to the immeasurable effects and changes of the crashed economy. Or people are looking for answers, guidance, and permission to leave the matrix and pursue their life's desire...baby boomers and empty nesters.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

Radio Show is new and still developing a listening audience. According to Blogtalk radio statistics, program averages 500 listeners per month.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

  • Friday: 1:00pm - 1:30pm (Hawaiian pacific time)
  • 7:00pm - 7:30pm (EST)
  • Internet Radio Show: Guest calls in, Can also answer questions from online callers
  • Archives Podcasts Network(s) - BlogtalkRadio, I-Tunes, PRX Public Radio

Booking Contact for Interviews

CJ in Kihei
Click to email CJ at cj @ frommauiwithaloha.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Featured Guest Expert - Ernesto Patino - FBI Agent Turned Expert Private Investigator and Mystery Author


Ernesto Patino, Expert Private Investigator, holds the perfect credentials to write mystery novels featuring Private Investigators.

For 23 years he worked as a Special Agent for the FBI in the Miami area, then retired to became a P.I., first in South Florida and now in Tucson, AZ.  His cache of real life crime stories serves as fodder for his high-drama fiction.

Patino's newest mystery novel, The Last of the Good Guys, stars Alec Santana, a private investigator in Miami hired to investigate an ex-cop's supposed suicide.

After two other ex-cops commit suicide, Santana discovers that all three responded to a Christmas fire fifteen years earlier. That's when the action revs up.

In real life, retired officers have a high rate of suicide; in Patino's mystery, the suicides appear real, until Santana begins unearthing the truth.

Ernesto Patino's first mystery novel, Web of Secrets, features another P.I. named Joe Coopersmith, also of South Florida, who specializes in finding missing persons. This story centers around a mixed race adoption and forces characters to confront moral dilemmas.

The novel asks questions like: If one of your parents turned out to be of a different ethnic race than what you grew up believing, would you begin to see yourself differently? Is pursuing the truth about the past worth jeopardizing your present relationships? If you needed money to care for your beloved spouse of fifty years, how far would you go? Patino keeps readers turning the pages.

Ernesto Patino's extensive personal experience enables him to create believable good guys and bad guys. He knows how private investigators conduct business - how they find informants, what kind of weapons they carry, how they follow leads and ultimately solve cases.

Ernesto Patino, Expert Mystery Writer, can incorporate elements of real life crime into his stories, a real advantage to any writer. Because as we all know, truth often is stranger than fiction.

Book Ernesto Patino, Expert Mystery Writer and Private Investigator to discuss....

  • How real are famous fictional P.I. characters from novels, movies and TV?
  • What are common attributes of private investigators?
  • How do they conduct their business: do they carry a gun, a tape recorder, work in pairs, develop a network of informants, etc?
  • How can mystery writers develop believable P.I.s and other law enforcement characters?
  • What are some unusual and bizarre stories from the street?

Ernesto Patino Guest Expert Interview Credentials

  • Ernesto Patino is the author of four novels, including two mysteries, a book about WWII crimes and a children's novel.
  • Ernesto grew up in El paso where he graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso with a Bachelor of Music degree. After teaching school for a couple of years, Patino joined the FBI and worked as a Special Agent in the South Florida area for 23 years. He now lives in Tucson, AZ and divides his time between writing and working as a private investigator.
  • Ernesto is a member of the International Thriller Writers Organization (ITW).
  • When not working as a P.I. or novelist, you can usually find him at a local dance studio where he continually strives to perfect his skills as a ballroom dancer.

Guest Expert Availability

By telephone from Tucson, AZ, PST 

Guest Expert Interview Booking Contact

Lynn Wiese Sneyd
Email Lynn at lynn @ lwsliteraryservices.com

Guest Expert Web Site






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The Lovin Life Show, A Hit Internet Radio Show seeks Experts in Christianity, Finances, Culture and Relationships


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

Ideal guests would be Frederick K.C. Price and Jesse Duplantis. They both teach the message of the Cross as relevant to today. Suze Orman would be an ideal guest, as she's savy and fun and is a true personal finance expert.

We're looking for guests who not only know their stuff, but how to effectively teach their stuff in a fun, relevant way.

Name of Your Show

The Lovin' Life Show with Michael L. Jefferson

Show Description

Enjoy your life with Teaching Pastor and Righteous Road Chairman Michael L. Jefferson, as his hit radio show streams to your computer or mobile device every Thursday on BlogTalkRadio. Michael's show offers his unique perspective on an array of topics ranging from current events and cultural trends to politics and more, all while bringing listeners closer to their Creator God with revealing, compelling and relevant commentary and interviews.

Be sure to tune in on BlogTalkRadio on Thursdays, 11-11:30PM EST, and On-Demand on http://www.TheLovinLifeShow.com.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Typical listeners include hosts of other BlogTalkRadio shows - a wide range. As for all else, we are unsure; but based on calls and who we MARKET to: people ages 18 to 40. But MOSTLY we market to college aged people.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

Over 10,000 listeners.
Source: BlogTalkRadio

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Thursdays 11pm/10c Internet Radio - BlogTalkRadio
Our show is heard throughout the world - available to all who are able to stream our live broadcast, play our internet-based OnDemand, download our show or listen to our show as a podcast via iTunes.

Booking Contact for Interviews

Mike Warner, Producer
Email Mike at Michael @ TheLovinLifeShow.com

Radio Show Web Site



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Featured Guest Expert - Jerry Smith, Fatal Disease Survivor and Author


What if your doctor told you, "You Have only 6 Months To Live?" 

Jerry Smith was given just 6 months to live but became the only known person ever cured of Pulmonary Fibrosis.  After a 2 year search worldwide, he was cured in Germany with a serum made from his own blood.

Jerry survived the "Death Sentence" of that incurable lung disease, as well as many other hardships. 

Today he lives to share his inspiring story with others as an example of how God will use anything for good, even when it seems most unlikely.  His story proves that there is hope for others with fatal diseases and Jerry can reveal how he found his cure.

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?

As detailed in his book, Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?, Jerry Smith was in trouble before he even started. p>

Jerry Smith's grandmother died giving birth, leaving his Mom an abandoned deaf-mute. As an adult, his mother was raped and gave birth to Jerry who was immediately abandoned.  He grew up in foster care, worked his way through college, and eventually married.

Jerry's first wife was murdered, his Grandson was killed at 15, and Jerry attempted suicide. After a few years, he remarried and found happiness.  But then Jerry was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, an untreatable and incurable lung disease.

Jerry is now speaking out to offer hope to others.  He has been on approximately 15 radio shows and the response from nearly every host has been that his story was highly, extremely unusual and very passionate.

Book Jerry Smith, Pulmonary Fibrosis Survivor to discuss.....

  • Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?
  • Why your cure may have to come from overseas and your doctor will try to stop you.
  • What do you say when your kids ask you uncomfortable questions about your past.
  • Can a fatherless boy ever become a real man and father?
  • How the lessons Jerry has learned can change lives.

Jerry Smith Guest Expert Credentials

  • Jerry Smith was able to overcome many tragedies throughout his entire life and survive to become a normal successful human being
  • Jerry is able to speak out to others and offer them hope no matter what their situation may be.
  • Author of Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?

Guest Expert Availability

By telephone from Dallas, TX, CST

Guest Expert Interview Booking Contact

Jerry Smith
Email Jerry at jerry @ jerrysmith.org

Guest Expert Web Site





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The Political Stamp, A New Popular Political Talk Show, Wants Great Expert Political Analysts


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

My ideal guests are guests that are intellectual, and can engage in a debate. Guests can be Republican Conservative, Independent or Democrat Liberals. Political analysts, pundits and columnists are welcomed.

Name of Your Show

The Political Stamp

Show Description

A talk show discussing relevant political issues with a variety of guests incorporating different views. Congressman, Political Columnists and Political Bloggers have appeared on the show and it has and will continue to attract large audiences.

Audience Demographics for Your Show

Typical listeners are people that love politics, want to hear both sides of a certain issue and want to know speculation and what the media is talking about.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

100- BlogTalkRadio. The audience will continue to grow as the show gains more and more popularity because the show is fairly new.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recoreded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

The Show airs every Friday with regular weekly guests and every Monday with special guests. It is heard on BlogTalkRadio.

Booking Contact for Interviews

Michael Scaramuzzo
Email Michael at thepoliticalstamp @ gmail.com

Radio Show Web Site



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JahnSlim At The Chat Lounge, Sunday Whine N Chill, seeks Expert Guests


What kinds of guests and experts do you want to interview?

life coaching

Name of Your Show

JahnSlim At The Chat Lounge

Show Description

JahnSlim the humble host of At The Chat Lounge, will be chillin, engaging discussions, searching applicable solutions, sharing ideas, chattin on the air and in the chat room, resonate and vibe to some eclectic tunes...


Audience Demographics for Your Show

  • 30% men
  • 70% women
  • 18+ ages

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim

10-1,000 btr (blogtalkradio) reports internet listeners live and archived listens.

Show Format

  • Online radio show
  • Recorded podcast

Broadcast Schedule + Format + Network(s)

Sunday's 11 am eastern standard time

Booking Contact for Interviews

Jahn Slim
Email Jahn at jahnslim @ yahoo.com

Radio Show Web Site



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